Access groups on user sign up

Hi! I’m mostly a designer who knows a little about coding. I have a bit of a unique use case for a non-for-profit educational project I’m working on. I want users to be able to tick a box as to if they’re a student or a teacher when they’re signing up for an account and that will set their access group. I’ve tried to understand access groups but I’m still unsure if this is possible. I am aware that you can manage membership types inside of Webflow but we don’t have time to manage this in-house as there may be thousands of members. Any hints would be appreciated :slight_smile:


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I think I’ve decided that I need a more custom solution for my build as I actually need to create School groups/Classes that link to the Teachers and Students.

Regarding your first question, any access group changes you make need to be made either manually or through the API. You should be able to setup an automation against the user_created webhook that looks as the custom fields, and updates the access groups accordingly.

I can’t answer your second question without knowing a lot more about your end system. When I build school learning management systems ( LMS ) yes I build an entirely custom admin and authentication system, and Webflow isn’t part of that infrastructure. In the most complex environments, you need teachers, students, parents, student groups, schools, and districts, all with various levels of access and reporting capabilities.

If it’s not too complex of custom, you might look into existing LMS software as a starting point.