Wfu-format = % not working in webflow


I have been struggling to format my Webflow #'s as %'s and I was very happy to come across these attributes. I have installed the following script in the head of my website:

<!-- Sygnal Attributes 5 | Format --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> 
<script defer src=""></script>

Also, I have added the attribute wfu-format = % on the CMS numic field but it’s not updating.
Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 10.30.43 AM

any help would be amazing

If you want support, please make certain to include-

  1. Your project’s read-only link.
    Share your site and invite collaborators - Webflow University Documentation
  2. A link to your published project ( is fine )
  3. Details on exactly where to look on your site for the problem you’re describing

Hi @westche , happy to take a look, but I’d need the project details-

If you want support, please make certain to include-

  1. Your project’s read-only link.
    Share your site and invite collaborators - Webflow University Documentation
  2. A link to your published project ( is fine )
  3. Details on exactly where to look on your site for the problem you’re describing

Also, check the cloneable, you can see it’s working well here.