Page-specific custom code interfering with site wide code


I have the following site-wide custom Head code to bring in the SA5 library:

This works well with the custom attribute approach using wfu-bind=“$” to autopopulate input with user email in a form.

However, on pages that have page-specific custom code this breaks down and the user email is no longer populated in the input.

The page-specific custom code (which works in inside head tag) I am using is to show the current date as follows:

Screenshot 2023-10-04 130042

Welcome any tips on this! Thanks

Kind regards,

Hi Nate,

Looking at the small captures you have here, I don’t see any obvious conflicts.
We use SA5 User Info with extremely complex code builds and it’s quite robust.

The first place to check is your browser console on the page you’re having problems on to see if you’re getting script errors. If you have any problems with your custom code it can interfere with the browser’s execution of other scripts.

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Thank you for your reply. For now I have used an embed for the date and working well. But I will look into your suggestion further.