Issues with Sygnal Attributes v4 (userInfoUpdatedCallback)

Hello :wave:,

We are using your Sygnal Attributes v4 for our app to retrieve logged in member data for Webflow Memberships. We absolutely love the library & cannot thank you enough for it. We are just encountering 2 issues though:

Issue 1: When a user is logged in and loads a webpage for the first time after about an hour, or right after signing in, the userInfoUpdatedCallback only works once if we try to load it twice in a loop. After that, it works fine on later visits, firing multiple times if needed. The problem comes back if the user logs out and logs in again, or leaves and comes back after an hour. Here is a video of this issue.

Issue 2: (Only on Chrome): On one user’s website (maybe more?), userInfoUpdatedCallback doesn’t work at all when using Chrome, no matter how many times the page is visited. It works fine in Incognito, Safari, and on Chrome on a separate device. But it’s not working on regular Chrome on up to 4 devices. I can send you a Loom of this issue by DM - I would just like to respect the user’s privacy :).

Any ideas? We are considering updating to v5, but we would prefer to stay at v4 & address these issues if we can. Let me know if you need any details to help debug this.


UserInfo was only in alpha in SA4. You’ll definitely want to update to SA5 and the latest library version.

On top of the library improvement, Webflow does change infrastructure details and it’s important to keep your library current if you want it to work correctly with those changes.

Thanks for clarifying. We will update to v5 !!