Hello, I am getting a very particular problem using the CUI Library, on my project I am using Webflow Membership, the thing is that I need to get User Info after Logged In to show User content.
The user have to fill a serie of question to create a bussines plan, so it is needed taht when the user log in only his information would be display and when he update it , the data would be saved in hes collection.
I created a page called LoadPage, that is Member visible, it is called after the user log in. What it does, is that make a callback from the sygnal library, to get the user information -for testing purpouse- it get the Email from the User and transform it to Slug format, then it redirect to a collection page with the slug from before, so it goes to the User collection page.
I though everything was perfect, until I created a new User, when I try to log In with the new User, webflow and Its member pages (Account, password reset) recognize the new user, but the sygma library keep giving me the first user that ever logged in.
------------------------- UPDATE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------
Want to share the solution, the thing is that Sygma Library uses a SessionStorage (wfuUser), if you log out of your Webflow Membership session and don’t close your browser tab, the SessionStorage will be keep until you close it, if you try to log in with a new User it will take the information kept in the SessionStorage.
My fix, was to do a sessionStorage.clear(); when the user click on the Log Out Button, and just like that everything works perfect.