LOCALIZATION important notes

I’m in the middle of a few major reverse-proxy projects and haven’t had time to explore Webflow’s new localization features thoroughly yet, most especially how they affect User Accounts.

I’m starting this thread to collect any important notes that the community encounters at the intersection of localization + User Accounts, and most especially any issues that arise with the SA5 User Info and Login Routing libs when the non-default locale is selected.

Both of SA5’s User Account libs are based on Webflow’s original design for URLs, e.g. /log-in and it seems that may be changing when a non-default locale is selected, to e.g. /jp/log-in.

There are a few ways this might complicate the library’s work;

  • Must find a way to detect if a non-default locale is selected, and what that path prefix is
  • Custom localized URLs may create variations in some pages such as the “after login” routing. If we want to support localization there ( and if Webflow doesn’t redirect /lang routes? ), we’d need locale-to-path maps to support localized routing to specially-pathed pages.

If you encounter anything specific, add to this thread with any specific examples you find. Important to share a login, your published site, and the readonly designer view.

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