Webflow Limitations for Blog Sites | Blogging on Webflow | Sygnal-U

I enjoy building blogs on Webflow. However there are three main limitations that people don't expect when migrating a large blog to Webflow. It's important to know these to ensure Webflow fits your needs.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.sygnal.com/lessons/webflow-blog-limitations
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Localization is much better now with the on canvas editor.

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Yes, it’s a bit different though, designed more like a property page. To re-localize a field, you revert that localization and then re-apply it.

I also like that hidden fields are now accessible, for example an empty text block, or a conditionally-hidden image… previously you had to switch to the CMS but now you’re one-click away from being able to access the current collection page’s CMS record. Slick!