Hey guys. I’m hoping you could help me out with an answer.
Inside my Webflow website, I am working with some SVG items. The structure of such an item looks something like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"><path d="M0 0V24H24V0H0ZM7.87 6.95C9.39 6.95 10.63 8.19 10.63 9.71C10.63 11.23 9.4 12.48 7.87 12.48C6.34 12.48 5.11 11.24 5.11 9.71C5.11 8.18 6.34 6.95 7.87 6.95ZM4 17.43C4 15.3 5.73 13.57 7.87 13.57C10.01 13.57 11.73 15.3 11.73 17.43H4ZM18.9 14.12H13.38V11.92H18.9V14.12ZM20 9.71H13.38V7.51H20V9.71Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>
The problem I have is this. I want to link the path string of these SVGs to a CMS field, so I can globally control and change icons. For this, I created a CMS collection with a plain text field that holds the entire “d” property of each SVG icon. But, whenever I link the “d” property to that CMS field to pull that string from it, the actual icon is no longer sized properly, ignoring its view box.
I suspect this could be due to how the code is injected. I’m wondering whether SA5 could help with such a thing?